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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


mmm so sweet.
my favorite treat
wonder when i will get sick
a tummy ache happens so quick
still doesn't stop me from eating more
get so full, can't see the floor
big belly full of sugar
i still love thee
oh candy yum, you complete me

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In a world of hate
I see your face.
When are you going
to wake up and see,
that you do nothing for me.
Supposed to be in your care.
But all you do is sit and stare.
Losing my mind is simple.
You are nothing good -- like a pimple.
Pop go away I said!
Keep sitting, my face turns red.
Move aside you big ugly ogre.
Instead of being stiff like a boulder.
Get away darkness flee from my life.
Even the silence cuts deep like a knife.
Can't hear, maybe you can read.
Thanks SON for all of your "good deeds."